Bike Services
- Geared Bike Tune-Up
- BMX or Single Speed tune-up
- Tire or Tube Replacement
- Hub Adjust
- Hub Overhaul
- Wheel Truing
- Spoke Replacement (Includes wheel truing, does not include spokes)
- Remove/Install Cassette on Bike
- Wheel Replacement
- Install Crank
- Install Chainring/Rockring
- Repair/Replace Chain
- Adjust (Per Der.)
- Install Derailleur
- Install Shifter Mtn./ Down tube shifters
- Install Shifter STI/Bar end w/bar wrap
- Replace Hanger
- Align Hanger
- Adjustments
- Install Brake Levers
- Install Brake Pads
- Adjust/Bleed Hydraulic
- Other Disc Brakes Service
- Adjust
- Install
- Replace
- Overhaul
- Adjust
- Install (Bare Frame)
- Replace
- Overhaul
- Chase Threads (Bare Frame)
- Remove Seized
- Install
- Cut Steerer Tube
- Seat Headset Race
- Suspension fork work varies by brand and need. Cost of repair will be done by quote only. Often it is more effective to return the fork to the manufacturer.
- Install Bars Road
- Install Bars Mtn.
- Install Stem Front Loader
- Install Stem Normal
- Install Bar Ends
- Install Grips
- Wrap Road Bars
- Install Computer (Basic)
- Install Computer (w/Cadence)
- Install Flight Deck/Ergo Brain (Includes bar wrapping)
- Install Fenders
- Install Rack/Child Seat
- Install Training Wheels
- Repairs (In-Store)
- Reapirs (At Home)
- Airdyne Tune-up

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